Why Premium?
Nostomania's Basic membership is easily the best online option for a free collection tracking service, price guide, and marketplace. If you are happy with Basic, great. But we would love your support as a Premium Subscriber. Take a look at all the extras you get for only a few dollars a month.
Here are a few reasons to upgrade to our Premium Service
It's only $2.99 a month
This is less than your morning coffee, or your evening beer, for an entire month.

Compare with sites which provide only a small subset of our services, but charge way more.
Sales Data Traceable to the Source
When possible, sales history is linked to the origin. Nearly 20 years of sales history!

Nostomania Census and Demand Meter

A comprehensive census (across all certifications and uncertified). What's hot and not.
Premium Subscribers get a Store

And there is no commission on anything you sell!
Premium Subscribers get an App (coming soon)

The Nostomania App will be available only to Premium Subscribers.
NOTE: we have a prototype (screenshot) but are rethinking this, stay tuned.
Easy Upload and Backup

...of your entire collection, always safe for insurance or any reason
What to slab?

A service to assess what is worth slabbing in your collection
Gain or Loss Trends

Premium Subscribers get extra info in their Collection Tracking reports
A comprehensive Price Guide

Separate pricing, driven by actual sales, for all grading services
Subscription details:
- Every new Nostomania user gets a two-month free trial period to try out the service before signing up.
- After signing up, PayPal will automatically deduct fees monthly (or yearly, your choice) from your PayPal account, until you cancel your subscription.
- If you don't already have a PayPal account, you can easily create one when signing up.
- After signing up, you may cancel at any time.
- Note that if you cancel, you will not be refunded for the current month (current year if you choose the yearly subscription option.)