NostoNews, February 1, 2006
by Tommy Jasmin Putting the I in Premium Nosto users have been asking for image libraries in our (at present) two collectible categories for quite some time. We now have the mechanism in place to build one, along with a mechanism to improve the usefulness of our databases by adding miscellaneous notes for each item (coins and comics), creator information (comics), and mintage (coins). Going forward, Nostomania Premium Subscribers will start to see information at the item detail level such as the following example for comics: And information such as the following example for coins: We will begin gathering this information by designating certain Nostomania Premium Subscribers as Administrators. The Administrators will have the capability to easily add any of this type of information to the Nosto databases. If you are a Premium Subscriber and would like to be considered for Administrator status, please contact us. As this part of the site matures, not only will it make the Premium Subscription service a much better value (still at the low price of $2.99 per month), but one can easily see the benefits for all Basic (free) Account users. For example, to be able to search through all comics for sale on the site with art by Frank Frazetta, or to be able to search through all coins for sale on the site below a certain mintage. Stay tuned, this is just the first of many new features we will be rolling out this year - remember, the future of collecting is right here at Nostomania. Prizes Don't forget, all you have to do is create a single Collection, Wantlist, or Salelist item during the appropriate month to qualify for our sweepstakes. Why not take a look and see what we're giving away (and gave away last month), free as always. Thanks, we'll see you all next month. Visit our NostoNews Archive. |