NostoNews, August 1, 2013
by Tommy Jasmin

Coin melt values now supported

For our coin users, price guide and collection values are now correctly prevented from dropping below the current melt value for that coin. In short, no matter how low the grade, the value of the coin should not drop below the value of the gold, silver, or other metals which make up the coin. For example, a PO-1 Franklin Half Dollar is 90% silver. Based on its weight and today's silver price of $19.59 per ounce, this coin should still be worth just under $7.00 for the silver alone, much more than the 50 cent face value.

Nostaligia ain't what it used to be

This gets my highest recommendation - if you do one thing this month, read the excerpt from Rob Salkowitz's book Comic-Con and the Business of Pop Culture, published recently on Flip the Media. The article hits on the key aspects of the Nostomania mission - providing factual pricing data to a community who understands the definition of nostomania: overwhelming nostalgia. That and a lot more - it's a sad but vital read, go now!

Thanks, we'll see you all next month.

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